About Matagorda Bay Foundation
Our Vision – We envision a state where the relationship between freshwater inflow and a healthy, productive coast is understood and embraced by all Texans; a coast with diverse habitats and abundant wildlife and fisheries resources available for the use and enjoyment of future generations.
For the last twenty years or so, the Matagorda Bay Foundation (MBF) has been quietly working through legal processes to try and protect Matagorda and San Antonio Bays. Today, we have transitioned to a full-service resource and advocacy group on behalf of the Matagorda and San Antonio Bay systems. Moving forward, we hope to be much more involved in education, outreach, advocacy and habitat conservation and expansion. Through partnerships with stakeholders, local government, and state and federal agencies we plan to identify and evaluate conservation issues for these important estuaries (and watersheds) and engage in efforts to conserve, enhance and restore important habitats. We share vital connections with central Texas via the Guadalupe and Colorado River watersheds; arteries that convey critical freshwater flows that sustain coastal health and productivity. We look forward to taking our conservation message “up the watershed” to engage central Texans, and advocate for wise stewardship practices to ensure healthy sustainable watersheds and coastal ecosystems for all Texans to enjoy.
The MBF has proven itself a reliable advocate for Matagorda and San Antonio Bays over the last three decades and will continue to be there to act to protect Matagorda and San Antonio Bays.