take action

Matagorda and San Antonio bays are inexorably bound to central Texas, and central Texans, by our mutual reliance upon the rivers that supply our freshwater. As our population grows so does our demand on the freshwater resources of the Colorado, San Antonio, and Guadalupe rivers. It is our duty as Texans to understand the interrelationships between how we use this limited resource and how those actions effect the health of the environment that sustains us.
For over 300 years we have relied on San Antonio and Matagorda bays to support commerce, clean our water, and air, and supply a sustainable source of food for our tables. The Matagorda Bay Foundation wants to engage all Texans in a campaign to raise awareness, and conserve, protect and enhance these critical coastal ecosystems. It’s time to give back and help sustain the resources that have sustained us.

Help us conserve the natural resources of the central Texas coast for the enjoyment of our children, grandchildren and for the many generations of Texans that will come after us.

Our natural legacy should be one of wise stewardship, conservation, and involvement.
We look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your support.

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